波莫纳医院 Pomona Valley Hospital and Medical Center

《波莫纳医院 Pomona Valley Hospital and Medical Center》

Pomona医院地址:1798 North Garey Ave Pomona,CA 91767

位于洛杉矶波莫纳市的 Pomona 医院是全美top100的医院医院每年接生超过7000宝宝,是嘉惠尔医院的2倍之多(北京市妇幼保健院年接生婴儿14000)。它的NICU(新生儿急救中心)是全美最高等级level3,有54张病床(长老会医院仅是level2,32张病床)。

拥有NICU医院设有婴儿室,产后设备为LDR Room,设NICU(新生儿急救中心),适合于多次生产剖腹产高位孕妇但是价格相对比较贵。是一家创于1903年的大型综合医院,拥有453个床位,600多位医生,1000多位工作人员。如今已是美国公认的专业医疗中心医院,相当于国内的三甲医院。根据美国新闻网(U.S. News)的最新排名,Pomona Valley医院在加州排名32,大洛杉矶地区17名(相比之下,华人青睐的长老教会医院加州排名59,大洛杉矶地区28;而至于嘉惠尔、惠提尔、圣盖博、园林等小医院根本都查不到排名,床位也无法与Pomona Valley医院相比)。Pomona Valley医院提供24小时的妇产科住院医生和 High Risk Obstetrical Unit,能给复杂情况的产妇和宝宝提供更高的安全系数,不会给救援病人耽误治疗。产房方面,Pomona Valley医院全部采用单人产房(相当于国内的VIP产房),医院允许亲属陪产过夜并提供舒适的沙发以供休息。并且有专业护士人员24小时待命,嘘寒问暖,使您的生产之旅更加舒心,美满。该医院设有婴儿室,产后设备为LDR Room,设NICU(新生儿急救中心)

About Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

Medical Excellence Rooted in Over a Century of Care

Call to action. For more information on PVHMC or any of the services we offer, please call 909.865.9858.

Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center has been caring for patients in Pomona and surrounding areas for over a century! Founded back in 1903, our not-for-profit regional medical center has always been dedicated to providing world-class, cost-effective medical care to our patients. Offering a full range of services, we are able to meet the diverse health care needs of our patients throughout Pomona Valley. The mission at PVHMC is to continually improve the quality of health in our community by ensuring we meet the needs of the diverse individuals living in it. This means adjusting our medical services based on community need, financial status, and our overall technical abilities.

Learn more about us below:

Our Vision at PVHMC

At Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, we are proud to be a trusted hospital in Pomona. Part of our vision is to be the region’s most respected and recognized hospital, leading the community as a provider of world-class healthcare services.

Other aspects of our vision include:

  • Remain the hospital of choice for local patients and their families due to our quality of care.
  • Draw the top physicians in the area because they are valued and supported by expert healthcare teams, advanced systems, and cutting-edge technology.
  • Be the hospital where professionals are excited to work due to the recognition of our excellence, as well as our commitment to reward initiative and encourage self-development.
  • Stay the medical center employers and payors request for their healthcare services because they are confident their beneficiaries will receive the highest value for the benefit dollar.
  • Be the medical center that community leaders and volunteers are excited to support because they recognize our continued efforts to meet the health needs of our community.

From pulmonary services and radiology to sports medicine and breast health, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center offers a broad range of specialized services. Our overall mission is to help you and your family lead a healthy, satisfying lifestyle. That’s why we also offer ongoing classes, support groups, and even special events in the local community.

PVHMC is committed to providing comprehensive health care in Pomona and beyond. Contact ustoday with any questions or concerns.



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